T#G is Back + Inspiring Blogger Award: Part Deux

The Hashtag Generation has officially returned to its regularly scheduled blogging! Bar studying is over, the bar exam is over, and now I have a couple weeks off before I start my new job. This means I’ll be back to posting more regularly and keeping up with y’alls blogs more regularly, too.

Now then, there’s one order of business that is extremely overdue: giving a shoutout to Opinionated Duck for nominating me for my second “Very Inspiring Blogger Award.” The Duck’s blog is a great mix of thought-provoking and interesting content, gifs of Stephen Colbert, and an appropriate dosage of sarcasm. You should definitely add this blog to your Reader. Thanks, Duck!

Now then, y’all know the drill about the award: if you want to participate, you’ve got to write up a post where you 1) thank and link the blogger who nominated you, 2) list seven facts about yourself, 3) make a list of your nominees for the award, and 4) display the award.

Seven Facts About Me

  1. I don’t have a favorite color.
  2. I had to get my ears pierced three separate times before the piercings stayed.
  3. I drink peppermint mocha lattes year-round. Fun fact: you can buy peppermint mocha creamer at your grocery store OR you can buy a whole bottle of Starbucks’ peppermint syrup, combine it with some mocha creamer, and create your own peppermint mocha. Second fun fact: you can order peppermint mochas at Starbucks year-round – not just at Christmastime. All you have to do is ask for a white chocolate mocha with a shot of peppermint. BOOM.
  4. I spent a large chunk of my youth under the mistaken belief that I was allergic to peanuts. It wasn’t until I went to an allergist that I learned that I could eat all the Snickers bars and peanut-butter-covered Oreos I want.
  5. I started reading “The Fault in Our Stars” two months ago, but I stopped reading it right at the part where I could tell things were about to get tear-jerkingly depressing.
  6. I can quote “Mean Girls,” “Legally Blonde,” and “What Happens in Vegas” pretty much line for line.
  7. “Gilmore Girls” is my favorite show of all time, and I own all seven seasons on DVD. I used to watch at least one episode every day during college.

My nominees for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Blu Chicken Ninja | Filled with photos, book reviews, crafty art projects. There is just so much to love about this blog!

Mystery Squid | Fabulous quotes and gorgeous photos

Pied a Terre Blog | Refreshing, simple, and stunning interior design and fashion inspiration.

Taken by the Lapels | Some wonderful musings about life and fashion and even puppies. I love it all.

Gluestick Mum | She’s got some hilarious anecdotes!

Fat Free Fashion | Clothing, accessories, and makeup posts galore – and all at great prices!

The British Fashionista | This has quickly become one of my favorite fashion blogs.

Vogue and Blah | Another lovely fashion and lifestyle blog

Inspiring Blogger Award

Central Park in April

I’ve been honored with another award, and this time it’s the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award” from super sweet Hilary over at Cutie Cameras. A great big thanks to her for nominating me! I adore her posts about vintage cameras in particular, and you should definitely peruse her blog regardless of whether you’re a photography aficionado. It has plenty of fashion and lifestyle posts for everyone to enjoy. Now then, it’s time to recite the rules of the award:

  1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

Seven Facts About Me

1) I’ve never broken a bone.
2) I’ve never eaten a hamburger from McDonald’s, Burger King, or Wendy’s. Since I’ve been able to get away with it for so long, I’ve made it a life goal to continue this streak.
3) I loved Volkswagen Beetles when I was a pre-teen. I was so obsessed that I had a collection of miniature replicas of them, t-shirts, Kleenexes (if that’s not weird, I don’t know what is) with tiny illustrations of them, and posters of them on my wall.
4) I designed the header for this blog myself using Photoshop.
5) Sometimes I seriously wonder if I could live anywhere without a SuperTarget or Chick-Fil-A. It already upsets me that there isn’t a Trader Joe’s within 100 miles of my home.
6) I’m an avid watcher of Pretty Little Liars and Teen Wolf. I’m well aware that this makes me sound like a 13-year-old girl. #sorrynotsorry
7) Speaking of watching TV, I’m a big fan of the British “constructed reality” show “Made In Chelsea.” It’s technically not broadcast in the United States, but some lovely person in the UK uploads episodes on YouTube the day after new episodes air and thereby feeds my addiction.

Other Inspiring Blogs

Wandering Rush | So many beautiful photos, and a healthy dose of kitties along the way.

Alexcellent | I just discovered this gem of a blog, and I’m just in awe at Alex’s storytelling skills. Her posts are hilarious!

Love & Sparkles | A great lifestyle blog that goes beyond just fashion, recipes, and decor.

Lady Sarah’s London | A very classy lady’s look at London. Sarah’s photographs exude elegance, and they bring to life the chic image of London that I’ve always imagined.

American Vintage Online | Can I just have all the outfits featured on this blog?

The Fashion Huntress | Want some tips on how to dress well without breaking the bank? Look no further!

Kitt Noir | A mix of classic pop culture, fashion, and more with a modern twist.

A Worried Student | This blog gives us a glimpse inside the mind of every student – but articulates it in a way that I never could.

Violet Key | So. incredibly. chic. I would like one of all the home decor items featured on this blog, please.

Cupid or Cats | Whimsical, well-written, hilarious, and thought-provoking all at once.

Popcorn & Polka Dots (formerly Put the Kettle On) | If you’ve been following me for a while, you probably know how much I love Hannah’s blog. Her treks across England and photographs are superb!

Liz & Lifestyle | The name speaks for itself: it’s a fun lifestyle blog that touches on everything from how to maintain a healthy lifestyle to exciting new interior decorating discoveries.

That’s Just My Cup of Tea | I love the mix of content on this blog. Posts feature things like quotes from John Green, advice on surviving a 9-5 job, and Charlotte’s fashion finds.

A Spoonful of Style | A fabulous lifestyle blog that’s a treat to read. It’s so sophisticated, but so effortless at the same time.

Madsen Style | Another great fashion blog with tons of wardrobe inspiration

Huzzah! T#G Snagged a Versatile Blogger Award!

For once, my tendency to be kind of random and neurotic has paid off: A Worried Student honored me with the Versatile Blogger Award! It came as quite a surprise – he has so many wonderful followers and is such a talented blogger himself that I would’ve never imagined he’d pick me. So, if for some reason you aren’t already following him, make sure you head on over to his flipping marvelous blog (even if you’re not worried. Or a student. Or a worried student).

Anywho, with great power comes great responsibility, and therefore, it is my duty to provide y’all with seven facts about me and a list of versatile blogs that I absolutely adore. Please make sure that you check out all of ’em!

Seven Facts About Me

1. I’m neurotic when it comes to the types of posts I… uh… post. I worry that I write too much about culture, and not enough about jobs, finance, and tech. In other words, I worry that T#G isn’t versatile enough. I guess this award proves me wrong. #huzzah
2. I was born and raised in the South, so it drives me nuts when an actor/character adopts a Southern accent that sounds like it belongs to a person from the 19th century. It’s terribly inaccurate. I’m sure it’s the same way British people feel when American actors (except Johnny Depp) try to put on British accents.
3. When I was like four or five years old, I thought that boxed ice cream cones sold in grocery stores came with a scoop of ice cream in them. I was bitterly disappointed when we’d open the box and there would only be cones, but no ice cream. I was stupid. I was easily fooled by the photo on the outside of the box.
4. I watch “Friends” every night before going to bed.
5. When I was in the fifth grade, a friend told me about this book she was reading called “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.” She said it was really good, and she offered to let me borrow it. I declined, and said  “I don’t like that sci-fi and fantasy stuff.” Dumbest decision I ever made.
6. If my entire wardrobe consisted of items from Kate Spade and if my home was decorated with items from Anthropologie and Crate & Barrel, I’d be the happiest girl in all the land.
7. “Finding Nemo” is Pixar’s best movie. End of story.

Even More Versatile Bloggers

Girl dans la Cité
A Little Slice of the Heavens
A Few of My Favourite Things
Coffee & Tacos

Rules for the Award Winners

  1. You’ve got to include the image of the award on your blog
  2. You’ve got to write a post in which you link back to the blogger who nominated you
  3. You’ve got to list your nominees for the Versatile Blog Award and let them know you nominated them
  4. You’ve got to list seven random facts about yourself

8 Apps That Transformed My iPhone Experience

Compared to other people, my iPhone is a dull and rather empty device. About half of its 32GB capacity remains unused, and the large chunk that is used is filled with music. In other words, I have very few apps. BUT the few apps I do have are rather magnificent, if I do say so myself.

Here are some apps that I love that I think you might love too, especially if you love playing around with the photos you take with your phone. If you have a favorite app that you think is similar or better than these, comment down below! I’m looking to expand my app collection. : )

I use this app ALL. THE. TIME. It’s a beautiful photo and text editing program that lets you customize your photos with cute graphics, texts, and filters. It’s got a fair amount of free text packages (with about three dozen fonts), and tons of retro banners and icons. I think this was once a free “app of the week” on iTunes, but I’m not sure if it is still free now. Even if it’s not, I promise it’s worth the investment.

picjointerPIC JOINTER
Forget Picstitch. I am in love with this free photo collage app. It lets you adjust the dimensions of the overall photo (1 x 1, 4 x 3, 3 x 4, and 3 x 2), the thickness of the border, and the color of the border. It even lets you adjust the dimensions of the spaces in the overall photo so you can fit your photos accordingly. No more restraining borders!

This is technically a free meditation app that includes ten free 10-minute guided meditation sessions. I use this when I am having trouble falling asleep, and while that may not be the stated purpose of the app, it works for me!

After your ten sessions are up, you have the option to go online and buy more, or you can just start the sessions all over again. I’ve gone with the latter, and so far so good. P.S. This is also known as the “Get Some Headspace” app in the App Store.

It shocks me how few people have this free app. Not only is it a wonderful way to instantly find the closest Starbucks, but it also gives you access to a new free app download every week and a new free song download every week. Not to mention if you have a Starbucks gift card, it keeps track of your purchases (after a certain amount you get a free drink or food item!) and lets you refill the card. If you don’t already have a gift card, get one (even with just $5 on it) and register it online. You’re automatically up for a free drink (any kind, any size) on your birthday!

The older brother of free photo-editing app, PicLab, PicLab HD ($1.99) is similar to Rhonna Designs, but has different fonts, is capable of pulling multiple images into the photo you’re creating, and lets you curve, distort, and drop shadow your text. It also lets you alter the brightness, contrast, and focus of the photo and add funky elements like light effects. The only downside to this app is that you can’t rearrange the order of the layers, which is pretty annoying when you suddenly decide you want to include a banner behind some text. Continue reading

Liebster Award Winners

fleur-de-liebsterMy sweet Canadian law-student counterpart, Dancing Orange, kindly nominated me for the Liebster Award on Friday, and she pretty much made my weekend. That makes two awards in one week! I’m so flattered and humbled, and I’m still just in disbelief that anyone is even reading my blog – let alone considering it worthy of an award. Thanks again, Dancing Orange! I owe you one!

Now then, as part of the award-process, I’ve got to follow some rules, answer some questions, pose some questions of my own, and nominate some other spiffy blogs. Here we go!

The rules

1) Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
2) Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post and/or displaying it.
3) Answer questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.
4) Provide random facts about yourself.
5) Nominate blogs – that you feel deserve the award – who have less than 200 followers. 
6) Create a new list of questions for the blogger to answer.
7) List these rules in your post. Once you have written and published it, you then have to inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.

My nominees for the Liebster Award

Put the Kettle On – I know I’ve sung Hannah’s praises before, but I just adore her blog so much. I think it absolutely deserves a spot on the list, and it’s a such a treat to peruse. Don’t miss out on her photos and great storytelling!

Collecting Conversations – I started following this blog yesterday, and I’m already enamored. Collecting Conversations has tons of lovely photos, fascinating interviews, and some truly thought-provoking pieces of writing. It technically has just over 200 followers, but I’m going to break the rules and nominate it anyway because I love it so much.

Sarah Marie – A super fun pop culture site that has something for everyone. Anyone who appreciates references to Rory Gilmore, ranking Kate Middleton’s fashion, and binging on Netflix won’t regret following this great blog.

The Royal Post – This is another intriguing royal blog that discusses some rather interesting aspects of the royals’ lives (for example, the history of the luggage that travels with the royals on official tours and the commissioning/sitting for official royal portraits).

Tales From 1L Hell A law student blog filled with gifs and stories about the whirlwind first year of law school.

Infographics Daily I love charts, graphs, and statistics, and this blog has all of the above. The topics range anywhere from how long it would take you to binge-watch The OC versus Breaking Bad to crazy facts about sleep to the evolution of the camera.

Cutie Cameras A fun and whimsical lifestyle and fashion blog that’s filled with sweet pins, clothes, and personal anecdotes.

Honorable mention: A Spoonful of Style – I wanted to nominate this blog for this award, but it’s already received it! Nevertheless, make sure you follow this beautiful lifestyle blog. I have yet to run across a post I don’t love.

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